A Guide to Addressing a Loved One's Addiction
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A Guide to Addressing a Loved One's Addiction

As a sober house dedicated to fostering recovery and supporting individuals on their sober journeys, we understand that addiction is a challenging issue that can affect not only the individual but their loved ones as well. If you suspect that someone you care about is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, it's important to approach the situation with empathy, understanding, and a desire to help.

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Ways to Support Someone in Recovery
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Ways to Support Someone in Recovery

Supporting a loved one who is in recovery from addiction can be challenging, but it's an essential part of their journey to sobriety. Addiction is a complex disease, and recovery is a lifelong process that requires patience, understanding, and ongoing support.

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Why Choose Foundations of Freedom?
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Why Choose Foundations of Freedom?

If you’re looking for a sober home, you might not know where to start. We want you to know that Foundations of Freedom is here to walk with you through your whole journey. Any questions or concerns you might have, we want to answer. Check out what makes us different than other sober homes.

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Can Mindfulness and meditation help recovery?
Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Can Mindfulness and meditation help recovery?

Mindfulness and meditation are practices that have been around for thousands of years, but have recently become more popularized and practiced. You might have heard it talked about in the context of religion or used in yoga, but based on recent studies, this practice can greatly assist in recovery from addiction.

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 10 Things To Do In Jacksonville
Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

10 Things To Do In Jacksonville

Do you find yourself going to the same places and doing the same things in Jacksonville? That’s why we’ve put together this list for you! All of these attractions and activities are great to take your friends or family to and enjoy some quality time. Check out these top 10 things to do in Jacksonville.

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The 12 Step Program
Hannah Grimes Hannah Grimes

The 12 Step Program

You’ve probably heard about the 12 step program before. It’s mentioned in tv shows, movies, and maybe in your personal life. But what really are the 12 steps? We’ll break them down for you here.

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What is a Sober House?
Hannah Grimes Hannah Grimes

What is a Sober House?

At Foundations of Freedom, we provide our clients with a safe, sober living space to reside in, paired with a multitude of workshops. As a Christ centered recovery program, we combine biblical principles along with the 12 steps. All of these things combined with the peer support make our program unique and life changing.

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