Outline of House




  • A desire to be clean and sober

  • Be able to physically work full-time and become self supporting

  • A willingness to follow house guidelines

  • Eager to attend and participate in all curriculum



Admission Fee:
First week's program fees plus $250 refundable security deposit*

Weekly Fees:

*deposit will be refunded upon completion of the 12 month curriculum, in good standing



  • Room and board

  • Access to community pool

  • Access to fitness center/gym

  • One on one therapy with licensed therapist

  • Job placement assistance

  • All staple foods are supplied. Milk, bread, juice, eggs, butter, etc.

  • All curriculum and books

  • TV's in each room

  • Business Center / Desktop Computer / WiFi

  • Group counseling

  • Breathalyzing and drug screens

  • Representation in court and probation reports as needed



Tenants will be expected to participate in a variety of groups, workshops & tasks that all target different areas in which growth and change are necessary in the clients life. These programs include, but are not limited to:


Weekly Celebrate Recovery Meeting:
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.

Minimum of Two AA/NA meetings weekly. (one of these meetings will be on site Sunday evenings)

Completion of Freedom Group — During a 13-week Small Groups semester, Freedom Groups gather weekly to discuss the Freedom Small Group curriculum, which is designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.

Purpose Driven Life Workshop — The Purpose Driven Life is a bible study book written by Christian pastor Rick Warren. The book offers readers a 40-day personal spiritual journey and presents what Warren says are God's five purposes for human life on Earth

Sober home in Jacksonville, FL

Elevate Life Church, Oakleaf Location

Weekly church attendance — Clients will attend Elevate Life Church for a minimum of one service weekly.

Join a serve team at Elevate Life Church — Clients will be expected to serve on a team of their choosing for a minimum of one service weekly.

Join and /or Lead a small group of tenants choosing — Small Groups are your key to developing healthy relationships with those who share your interests or people who are dealing with similar life issues. Small Groups are an opportunity to reach out to others while growing in your walk with God. Small Groups meet online, in homes, businesses, restaurants, and other locations throughout the city.