Navigating the Holidays: Tips for Maintaining Sobriety
The holiday season is a time of joy, connection, and celebration. However, it can also be a challenging period for individuals in recovery. In this blog post, we'll share insights and practical tips on how to navigate the holidays while maintaining your hard-earned sobriety.

3 Tips For Hosting A Sober Friend
Hosting a sober friend can have its challenges. Is it okay to have alcohol during the party? Do they feel welcome? These are questions we are asking ourselves, and we’re here to give you some answers.

Can Mindfulness and meditation help recovery?
Mindfulness and meditation are practices that have been around for thousands of years, but have recently become more popularized and practiced. You might have heard it talked about in the context of religion or used in yoga, but based on recent studies, this practice can greatly assist in recovery from addiction.

What is a Sober House?
At Foundations of Freedom, we provide our clients with a safe, sober living space to reside in, paired with a multitude of workshops. As a Christ centered recovery program, we combine biblical principles along with the 12 steps. All of these things combined with the peer support make our program unique and life changing.