3 Tips For Hosting A Sober Friend
The holidays are approaching, and you’re probably planning many get togethers with friends and family. This is a great time to reflect on where we’ve been, and how far we’ve come the past year. However, hosting a sober friend can have its challenges. Is it okay to have alcohol during the party? Do they feel welcome? These are questions we are asking ourselves when planning these events that host people from all backgrounds. We’re here to help give you some insight, and hopefully help you feel confident in your party planning decision.
Extend the invitation
If you’re debating on inviting your sober friend, extend the invitation anyways! More often than not, they would rather get an invite, and turn it down if they have to. Rather than feeling left out from all holiday get togethers. Each situation is different, so do this with discretion. However, our number one tip would be to always invite them.
Let them bring a friend!
Have you ever been in a situation where you feel singled out? It’s very uncomfortable, and can honestly feel pretty unwelcoming. The last thing you want your sober friend to feel is isolated and alone. If they have the freedom to bring another sober friend with them, you’re giving them a companion, and accountability partner. So if you decide to invite them, go the extra mile and tell them to bring a friend!
Plan a one-on-one hangout later
If you’ve done the above, and your sober friend still doesn’t feel comfortable attending, plan a party for the two of you! Your friend is being wise with their limits, but it could really hurt them if they turn down every get together. There are plenty of activities to do that don’t involve alcohol, so plan something for the two of you. Or even better, invite other friends that are content without alcohol, so you can have a sober evening of fun!
We hope this guide helped to equip you during this tough decision. Really, it doesn’t have to be too hard. Invite your friend, let them bring another, and if they say no, have a sober free hangout later. We are Foundations of Freedom, a sober house in Jacksonville, FL. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism, we’re a safe place to rest. Find out more at foundationsoffreedominc.com