Sober Socializing

Socializing is an important part of life but can be challenging when you are managing a lifestyle of sobriety. There are plenty of ways to connect with people and maintain a social life outside of situations that include alcohol. You could go to a coffee shop, the theater, walk through downtown, or have a picnic in the park; however, at some point you might find yourself in a social setting where people are drinking, and you could be tempted. It’s important to think through how you will respond before you find yourself there. These types of situations can be avoided through clear communication of expectations, but it’s better to be safe and prepared than caught off guard. Here are a few strategies to help you maintain your sobriety as well as your social life.


Be Honest

Honesty does not mean you need to tell everyone and their mom about your history and sobriety. It means that telling your close friends and family who can offer support during challenging times can be a great resource to you. If you are going into environments where you might be tempted to drink, those friends and families can help you navigate the situation.

Be prepared for other’s reactions

While your decision of sobriety will hopefully be supported by most, you might run into some people who don’t understand. Your decision might act as a mirror reflecting the truth about their life that they aren’t ready to see yet. This could result in a reaction like nagging to participate, teasing, peer pressure, or confrontation. It’s important to prepare for whatever reaction you might receive, good or bad.

Create an Exit Strategy

If going into an environment where you might be tempted, come up with an exit strategy beforehand. This can help you gracefully leave the situation or environment that isn’t safe for your sobriety. In case want to leave but feel the need to offer a reason other than explaining your story, you could say you have an early appointment, you’re not feeling very well, or you have plans to meet another friend later.

Make a Deal

To keep accountability, tell a close friend, family member, or sponsor where you’re going and what your plan is. Make a deal that you will contact them if you begin to feel tempted.


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